Check-in and Check-out Times * Check-in: After 14:00 * Check-out: Before 12:00 * Front desk hours: 24/7 * If you will arrive outside of check-in hours, contact the property 1 day in advance by phone Guests Accepted * Guests from all countries/regions are welcome at this property Child Policies * Children of all ages are welcome at this property. * Additional fees may be charged for children using existing beds. Add the number of children to get a more accurate price. Cribs and Extra Beds * For all room types, cribs and extra beds cannot be added. Breakfast * Type Chinese * Style Buffet * Opening hours [Mon - Sun] 07:30-10:00 Open * Height: Children under 1.2m in height, Fee: Free * Height: Children between 1.2–1.5m in height, Fee: CNY 19.00 (approx. $2.60) per person * Height: Children over 1.5m in height, Fee: CNY 38.00 (approx. $5.19) per person * Height: Adult, Fee: Buffet:CNY 38.00 (approx. $5.19) per person * Additional breakfast fees are not included in the total and need to be paid at the property. Pets * Pets are not allowed Service Animals * Service animals are allowed on request Age Requirements * The main guest checking in must be at least 18 years old. 丽呈别院·天慕酒店位于格尔木市商业中心,酒店周边有购物中心、世邦城市广场、天慕国际影城等商业综合体,紧邻奥体广场、小吃街可尽享地方特色美食,地理位置十分优越。周边旅游景点有察尔汗盐湖、胡杨林、将军楼公园、金鱼湖民族风情园、西王母瑶池、东台吉乃尔湖、乌素特水上雅丹地质公园、可可西里国家自然保护区、等景区。交通十分便利。 丽呈别院·天慕酒店是以格尔木自然景观为主题的电影文创酒店,我们秉承好电影,好睡眠,好体验的三好酒店理念为各位贵宾服务。酒店所有客房均配备具有24小时开放弥散式氧气、除菌加湿功能,入住即可缓解高原缺氧带来的不适,客房内配有独立空调、智能语音控制系统、5.1声道影院式环音系统、智能马桶,会议服务、免费洗衣熨烫、免费室内健身房、免费接送机服务、免费wifi、24小时热水等服务。酒店房型丰富,有大床房,双床房,亲子房,观影房、复式套房、星空房,庭院房等多种房型可供选择,200吋幕布的秋风敬豪华观影房,让您躺在床上即可观赏巨幕电影;昆仑山复式套房您可以近距离感受昆仑山的藏羚羊,沙漠里的胡杨林,察尔汗的翡翠湖;霓虹驿星空房720度无死角,让您直接睡在星空下,当杏花盛开之即,一阵微风拂过,漫天杏花飘零,美哉! 酒店满室的昆仑白,是昆仑山对我的祝福,脚下的翡翠绿,是盐湖对我们的爱意,墙面的高原蓝,是雪域对我们的喜欢,还有区分空间的胡杨金,是这种三千年不死,三千年不倒,三午年不腐的精神对我们的鼓舞!愿您在丽呈别院·天慕酒店,生活如天路之光,一马平川;爱情如天路之影,如影随从;家庭如天路之湖,平静安宁;朋友如天路之沙,数不胜数;事业如天路之巅,青云直上!