One of the top three in terms of most requested massage style, our Classic Oil Massage is just great for when you are looking for a total wind-down from hectic life. It is known for its ability to create a general sense of relaxation through better blood and oxygen circulation, decreasing muscle toxins and flexibility while easing tension.
The massage therapist generally uses massage oil to facilitate making long, smooth strokes over the body with light to medium pressure delivered. These Classic Oil Massage movements can be very relaxing, an anti-stress massage therapy for the client emotionally and physically.
Since Classic Oil Massage uses a lighter pressure, it more suitable for those looking for a gentler, soothing massage and a bit of pampering.
If you have never had a massage before or you feel like an overall relaxing session then our Classic Oil Massage is one of the best choices.
Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller. Public transportation options are available nearby. Not recommended for pregnant travelers. Suitable for all physical fitness levels. For customer who will arrive late for their appointment, please do contact and inform us so that we can keep the appointment slot for you. If not informed, we will only keep the appointment for 15 minutes maximum and we reserved the right to give the appointment slot to other customers. If there is no masseuse at that point of time whereby customer arrived late for their appointment without informing cannot be refunded but can re-scheduled to a different time or date, subject to availability.
By Taxi, Show this to the driver : สุขุมวิท ซ. 21 ข้าง โรงแรม Furama Xclusive Asoke อโศก
Sukhumvit MRT : Leave the station through exit 1, walk straight (main road will be at your right), after a walking distance of less than 5 mins, you will see Rest and Relax (Beside Furama Xclusive Asoke Hotel).