Embark on “Christmas Charms of Leiria: A Cultural Journey,” an enchanting exploration through the heart of Leiria during the most magical time of the year. This Christmas tour weaves through the historic Castelo de Leiria, with its festive backdrop, to the lively Christmas markets at Largo 5 de Outubro, offering unique gifts and local treats. Stroll through the illuminated Jardim Luís de Camões and feel the warmth of community spirit at Praça Rodrigues Lobo. Wander down Rua Machado dos Santos, where the essence of Christmas fills the air. This tour isn’t just a walk; it’s a festive adventure, blending Leiria’s rich history with the joyous spirit of the season. Join us to discover the cultural treasures and festive highlights that make Leiria a winter wonderland.
Public transportation options are available nearby. Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Meet at the entrance of Castelo de Leiria, (Largo de São Pedro, 2400-235 Leiria, Portugal)