Are you looking for an easy and convenient way to get to Oświęcim and explore the Auschwitz - Birkenau Concentration Camp by yourself? Decide whether you want to choose one-way or two-way transportation and travel in a comfortable bus for about 1.5 hours. Fast, specific and convenient. Choose from a wide range of fixed departure times.
Know in advance:
Relax and travel by comfortable bus. Enjoy easy and convenient transfer. Choose between wide selection of departure times
Auschwitz Shuttle to Oświęcim (where the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau are): Krakow Main Bus Station, 18 Bosacka Street // Auschwitz Shuttle back to Krakow: during Museum opening hours: Więźniów Oświęcimia 55 street - after Museum opening hours: Więźniów Oświęcimia street (Oświęcim Muzeum PKS bus stop).