Embark on a captivating journey to Hida-Furukawa, a hidden treasure nestled high in the Japanese mountains, far from the bustling metropolises of Tokyo and Osaka. This enchanting town transports you to a bygone era with its beautifully preserved Edo-period architecture, rich history, and artisanal traditions. Led by a knowledgeable local guide, this immersive experience offers a glimpse into the heart of traditional Japan transporting you to a bygone era. Visit the Hida-Furukawa Festival Exhibition Hall to unravel its cultural tapestry, wander through the charming streets steeped in history, and discover the cultural gems of Hida-Furukawa in a single day.
Public transportation options are available nearby. Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Your guide will be arriving by train to meet you and is easily identifiable with a SNOW MONKEY RESORTS tour tag. For those arriving a bit early, there are seating areas inside the station where you can comfortably wait. Nonetheless, please ensure you are at the designated meetup point by 10:00 AM.
The meetup point is outside of the ticket gates at JR Takayama Station. Once you have left the gates, look to your left to see a walkway and a carving depicting an ornate wagon. You may wait nearby there until the tour begins at 9:00 A.M. Please look for the guide wearing a SNOW MONKEY RESORTS tag