Welcome to the Accademia Gallery, home to Michelangelo's David, and one of the most visited museums in Italy.
Wanted by the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo and born in 1784 from the union of a hospital and a convent, the museum offers the largest and most important collection in the world of paintings with a gold background, not to mention the Museum of musical instruments, a great passion of the Grand Prince Ferdinando de 'Medici.
The gallery was enriched early on with paintings from convents, monasteries, and other religious institutions suppressed first by Pietro Leopoldo and then by Napoleon.
The definitive turning point in the history of the museum happened in 1872 when it was decided to transfer Michelangelo's David to it, to salvage it from the deterioration caused by its original outdoor location, in Piazza Signoria.
The statue was slung in a complex wooden chariot and ran on rails through the streets of the center to the Accademia and ,on 22 July 1882, the museum was finally inaugurated.
In addition to the David, the museum houses many other statues by Michelangelo, like the Prisoners and St. Matthew. For this reason, the Accademia Gallery is also known as Michelangelo's Museum.
What are we waiting for? Let's visit it together!
Firenze, 50122, Toscana, Firenze