Chennai, formally known as Madras, has developed over the centuries from a small fishing village into a bustling metropolis. Representing the Dravidian civilization, the city upholds the music, drama, dance, architecture, arts, crafts and sculpture of India. It is known for Carnatic music and the birth place of Bharatnatyam, the oldest classical dance in India. It is also nicknamed "The Detroit of India", as more than one-third of India's automobile industry is based in the city. Chennai is a unique city that is as trendy as it is traditional
Public transportation options are available nearby. Not recommended for pregnant travelers. Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health. Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness. Dress code is smart casual
We pick up the guest from the hotel or any other location within the city to reach the starting point of the experiential tour. After finishing the tour we will drop off the guest at the same location where we picked the guest before starting the tour.